Blog user-experience-and-design

How Happy are Your Users?

Team Avatar - Mikel Lindsaar
Mikel Lindsaar
July 15, 2013

We understand how important your users are to your business, they are the one’s who visit your application daily, make purchases from it and determine your profit. So, have you checked if they are happy?

We’ve launched reInteractive UX our user experience and interaction design service to keep your users happy, loyal and on your page for longer. Our UX team will find out how your users perceive your web site and give you the strategies you need to make it a pleasant, efficient and valuable experience for them.

So, what is reInteractive UX all about?

Our team will help make even the most complicated web sites easy to navigate and create engaging solutions that keep your users happy and on your page longer.

What is the process to get started with reInteractive UX?

First, our team will meet with you to find out what you’re looking to get built and how you would like it to work. If you already have an existing application that you would like to improve, we’ll find out what works well and how we can make it even better. We’ll dig deep to extract as much information as we can about your product, find out about your business needs, your brand and your competitors.

Then, based on these discussions, we’ll create a set of structure diagrams, user journeys and sitemaps with recommendations for information architecture. Where possible, we like to talk to your users and find out what they do and don’t like about your current application.

Once the broad information architecture of the product or service is in place, we’ll move on to creating a set of clickable layouts. The goal of these is to make sure we’re building something you’re happy with, giving you the chance to use these layouts as a talking point internally.

The next phase is the interaction design. This is when we’ll take the approved low-fidelity layout and convert it into a medium-to-high fidelity interactive HTML document (prototype). You’ll be wowed by this as it models the interaction and behaviour of the site which cannot be captured by words or static layouts. This means that you can see it in action before you spend any money building it! Once your interactive HTML prototype is complete, we’ll move on to producing the final look, feel and working code for your product :)

If you’d like to find out how we can help you make your users happier you can send us an email or find out more on the services page of our website.